Browse Items
- [?]
- [?]_jane
- [?]_judith
- [?]_mrs.
- [illegible]_wife
- abechurch_john
- abechurch_mary
- abell_mary
- abell_obadiah
- aberdeen_alexander
- aberdeen_mary
- able_mary
- abuse
- adams_sarah
- adcoch_mr.
- adcoch_son
- adean_sarah
- adean_william
- admission
- age
- albey_wife
- alcock_isabella
- alcohol
- ales_elizabeth
- alexander_thomas
- aley_child
- aley_elizabeth
- aley_mrs.
- aley_thomas
- all rooms
- allcock_william
- allen_andrew
- allen_elizabeth
- allen_john
- allen_sarah
- allowance
- alworth_elizabeth
- alworth_robert
- alworth_thomas
- anderson_catherine
- anderson_child
- anderson_jane
- anderson_mary
- andrews_mary
- annuity
- apothecary
- apprentice
- apprenticeship
- apps_sarah
- arch
- archer_thomas
- arden_harriet
- armour_ann
- armstrong_james
- arnold_bridget
- arnold_elizabeth_william's_widow
- arnold_sheet
- arnold_william
- ashton_mrs.
- ashwell_dorothy
- asylum
- asylum/hospital
- atherly_jane
- atkinson_wife
- atkinson_william
- austen_elizabeth
- austen_mary
- austen_mrs.
- austin_mary
- austin_thomas
- avery_dinah[?]
- ayer_harry
- ayres_henry
- ayres_sarah
- ayres_sylas
- ayres_sylatt
- aysdale_mr.
- bad_hand
- bag for clothes
- bag to put clothes in
- bailey_edward
- bailey_elizabeth
- bailey_george
- bailey_james
- bailey_martha
- bailey_sussana
- bailey_thomas
- baily_elizabeth
- baker_ann
- baker_edmund
- baker_mother
- baker_nathaniel
- baker_sarah
- baker_son
- baker_susan
- baker_susanna
- baldwin_carter
- baldwin_sarah
- baldwins_mr.
- ball_catherine
- ball_hester
- ballard_mary
- ballard_mr.
- ballard_mrs.
- ballard_richard
- barband_mrs.
- barber
- barker_mrs.
- barker_sarah
- barnes_christiana
- barnes_elizabeth
- barnes_mary
- barrett_ann
- barrett_lucy
- barrett_william
- barson_sarah
- basher_thomas
- bastardy
- bates_benjamin
- bates_mary
- baxter_mr.
- baxter_mrs.
- bayley_james
- bayley_john
- bayley_sarah
- bayly_dorothy
- beacham_elizabeth
- beachman_elizabeth
- beachman_mary
- beak_john
- beams
- beasley_joseph
- beckmore_sarah
- bed
- bedding
- bedlam
- bedwin_thomas
- beecham_elizabeth
- beecham_mary
- beer
- bell_ann
- bell_elizabeth
- bell_mary
- belsara_frances
- belsara_francis
- belshaw_margaret
- bend_mr.
- benn_mr.
- benn_thomas
- bennet_lucy
- bennet_samuel
- bennett_george
- bennett_robert
- bennett_sarah
- benson_daughter
- benson_mr.
- benwell_susannah
- benwell_thomas
- bernall_jacob
- bernel[?]_jacob
- bernoll_jacob
- berrisford_mary
- berrisford_sarah
- berry_elizabeth
- berry_francis
- berry_thomas
- berry_william
- beshard_charles
- best_elizabeth
- betson_bryan
- bevis_elizabeth
- bibby_elizabeth
- bibby_lydia
- bibby_mrs.
- biddingfield_catherine
- bigg_john
- biggs_elizabeth
- biggs_john
- biggs_mary
- bill of fare
- bill/receipt
- billing_robert
- bills/receipt
- bills/receipts
- binder_john
- binkes_eleanor
- binkes_husband
- blackbourne_elizabeth
- blackbourne_mastin
- blackbourne_mrs.
- blackburne_mrs.
- blair_elizabeth
- blair_mrs.
- blair_sarah
- blanchard_richard
- blanchard_wife
- blazy_thomas
- blazy_william
- blifse_james
- blower_john
- boarding
- boarding[?]
- bococh_hannah
- boddington_ann
- boddington_mary
- boddington_mrs.
- boddington_william
- bollasis_ann
- bollusis[?]_ann
- bond_sarah
- bond_wife
- boon_mrs.
- Boone_?
- boone_mrs.
- boot_elizabeth
- boots_elizabeth
- boroch_thomas
- borocin[?]_mrs.
- Bostock_?
- bostock_christian
- bostock_christine
- bostock_mrs.
- boulton_thomas
- bourer_jonathan
- bourne_sarah
- boutts_family
- bowen_mr.
- bowes_mrs.
- bowhill_andrew
- bowland_mary
- bowler_mary
- boyer_mrs.
- boyle_catharine
- bradley_mary
- brady_mary
- brady_sarah
- bragg_ann
- bragg_eliza
- bragg_elizabeth
- branch_david
- brattle_dorothy
- braxton_mr.
- brent_mr.
- brick
- bridget_fleming
- brisby_?
- briscoe_benjamin
- bristow_mr.
- bristow_robt
- brook_matthew
- brookes_jay
- brooks_frances
- brooks_francis
- brooks_mrs.
- brown_alice
- brown_ann
- brown_ann_george's_wife
- brown_ann's_children
- brown_anne
- brown_eleanor
- brown_elizabeth
- brown_elizabeth_susannah
- brown_george
- brown_grace
- brown_henry
- brown_isabella
- brown_jane
- brown_john
- brown_martha
- brown_mary
- brown_mary(Jr.)
- brown_matthew
- brown_mr.
- brown_robert
- brown_sarah
- brown_susan
- brown_tom
- brown_wife
- brown_william
- browne_george
- browne_mr.
- browne_robert
- browne_sarah
- brunsdon_mary
- buckland_charles
- buckland_john
- buckland_mary
- buckland_mrs.
- bucklands_john
- bucklands_mary
- buckley_jonathan_mary's_son
- bugg_ann
- bulfer_samuel
- bull_thomas
- bunching
- bunn_jonh
- bunn_joseph
- burchett_francis
- burden_mr.
- burge_john
- burgis_mary
- burgis_mr. churchwarden
- burgis_mrs.
- burgis_william
- burial
- burke_jane
- burke_john
- burney_mary[formerly marshall_mary]
- burnham_john
- burnham_mrs.
- burnham_phoebe
- burnham_thomas
- burnham_wife
- burroughs_mary
- burroughs_william
- burrow_mr
- burrow_mr.
- burrows_john
- burrows_mary
- burrows_mr.
- burrows_mrs.
- burrows_robert
- burt_susanna
- burton_john
- bury_frances
- bushby_margaret
- bushby_robert
- butler_ann
- butler_john
- butler_mr.
- butler_sarah
- butler_wife
- butter_mary
- bye_mary
- bye_robert
- bynam_boy
- bynam_catherine
- bynam_frances
- bynam_james
- bynam_mafsey[?]
- bynam_mary
- bynch_james
- bynham_catherine
- bynham_james
- bynham_martha
- bynon_catherine
- bynon_james
- bynon_martha
- bynon_mary
- byon_mary
- camel[?]_ann
- camfield_edward
- camfield_mary
- caney_james
- caney_wife
- cannon_elizabeth
- cannon_mary
- cannon_thomas
- carding
- carelefs_elizabeth
- carelefs_mary ann
- careless_elizabeth
- careless_mary ann
- carless_elizabeth
- carless_mary ann
- carney_mr.[?]
- carol_ann
- carolefs[?]_elizabeth
- carr_letitia
- carr_thomas
- carrington_ruth
- carrol_ann
- carroll_ann
- carter_?
- carter_ann
- carter_elizabeth
- carter_mrs.
- carter_susan
- carter_susannah
- carter_wm
- carwarden_ann
- carwarden_anna maria
- carwarden_john
- carwarden_maria
- carwarden_richard
- cave_elizabeth
- cave_mary
- cave_mrs.
- cave_sarah
- cave_william
- ceiling
- cellar
- certificate
- chalkley_ann
- chalkley_elizabeth
- chamberlain_mary
- chamberlain_mrs.
- chandler_john
- chandler_margaret
- chant_mrs.
- chapman_anabella
- chapman_ann
- chapman_ann (junior)
- chapman_ann (mother)
- chapman_christopher william
- chapman_elizabeth
- chapman_elizabeth's_child
- chapman_john
- chapman_robert
- chapman_william
- chapman_william_thomas_elizabeth's son_aged_10
- chappel_elizabeth
- chapple_edward
- chapple_john
- chapple_mr.
- chapple_sarah
- chapple_son
- chapple_william
- charity
- chatterley_ann
- chatterley_charles
- chenowoth_mr.[?]
- chetwood_james
- child
- child support
- childbirth
- children
- chimney
- chine[?]_ann
- chlidren
- christchurch
- christian_horton
- christmas_john
- christmas_mrs.
- church_ann
- churchwarden
- clancey_elizabeht (junior)
- clancey_elizabeth
- clancey_mary
- clansey_edward
- clansey_elizabeth
- clare_henry
- clare_mary
- clare_mrs.
- clare_sarah
- clark_ann
- clarke_ann
- clarke_elizabeth
- clarke_george
- clarke_john
- clarke_john_geo
- clarke_john_older
- clarke_mrs.
- clarke_richard
- clarke_sarah
- clarke_susanna
- clarke_sussana
- clarke_thomas
- clasey_elizabeth
- clavell_ann
- clavell_william
- cleaver_ann
- clerk
- climson_edward
- climson_elizabeth
- climson_hannah
- climson_mary
- climson_mrs.
- clinton_ann
- clock
- clodd_john
- cloistering
- clothes
- clothing
- clothing list
- clowder_mrs.
- cluffe_elizabeth
- cluft_mrs.
- cluft[?]_betty
- coal
- coals
- coates_ann
- coates_family
- coates_john
- coates_john james
- coates_mrs.
- cole_ann
- cole_mary
- cole_mr.
- cole_richard
- coleman_catherine
- collins_elizabeth
- collins_mary
- collins_mry
- commitee
- committee
- committee room
- committtee
- compton_deborah
- compton_jane
- compton_martha
- connely_mary
- constable_james
- cook_ann
- cook_jane
- cook_mr.
- cook_mrs.
- cook_mrs.'s_father
- cook_sarah
- cook_stephen
- cook_william
- cooke_daniel
- cooke_mr.
- cooke_mrs
- cooke_mrs.
- cooke_william
- cooper_daniel
- cooper_samuel
- corall_ann
- cornelius_mary
- cornelius_mrs.
- coroper_daniel
- corral_ann
- corrall_ann
- corridor
- cory_william
- cost
- cotes_thomas
- cotter_william
- country
- cox_robert
- cox_thomas anson
- crane_mrs.
- cransley_elizabeth
- creamer_sarah
- creation
- crickett_joshua
- crisp_mary
- crocker_mary
- croft_mrs.
- crofts_mrs.
- croolee_john
- croskill_ann
- cross_elizabeth
- Crouch_?
- crouch_mrs.
- crouchley_martha
- croxson_eleanor
- cundall_hannah
- cundell_hannah
- currie_jane_archibald's_widow
- curry_william
- curtis_roger
- curtis_rogers
- daines_sarah
- dale_joyce
- dalton_elizabeth
- danes_edward
- danes_elizabeth
- danes_mary
- daniels_george
- dannock_henry
- danson_elizabeth
- darby_mrs.
- darby_sarah
- dasley_sarah
- davids_mr.
- davis_anna
- davis_charles
- davis_mary
- davis_mrs.
- davis_rebecca
- davis_robert
- davis_thomas
- davison_robert
- davison_thomas
- dawson_elizabeth
- dawson_mrs.
- dawson_sarah
- day_ann
- day_elizabeth
- day_henry
- day_lady
- day_richard
- daynes_letitia
- dayon_elizabeth
- deadmarsh_elizabeth
- dean_mr.
- dean_mrs.
- dean_william thomas
- dearsley_sarah
- death
- delegation
- delepine_adam
- dias_ susannah mary
- Dighton_?
- dighton_mr.
- dighton_philip
- dighton_wife
- dining
- disability
- disablity
- discharge
- discharged
- discipline
- documentation
- dodd_miss
- dodd_mrs.
- donney_sarah
- donnison_sarah
- donny_sarah
- donovan_ benjamin
- donovan_benjamin
- donovan_dennis_rachael's_husband
- donovan_james
- donovan_lucy
- donovan_mrs.
- donovan_rachael
- donovan_rachael's_children
- donovan_rose
- donovan_rosetta
- door
- dormitories
- dorset
- downes_roland
- doyle_husband
- doyle_james
- doyle_john
- doyle_john's_son
- doyle_jonathan
- doyle_martha
- doyle_wife
- drake_allen
- drake_john
- draper_henry
- draper_mrs.
- draper_richard
- draper_richard theodore
- dropping
- drover_george
- drover_husband
- drover_martha
- drover_mary
- drover_teresa
- drover_teresa_junior
- drover_teresa_teresa's_daughter
- drover_teresa's_daughter
- drover_theresa
- duffin_charles
- dumoulin_lewis
- dumoulin_lewis gabriel
- dunbar_john
- duncan_ann
- duncan_mary
- dunean_sarah
- dunster_thomas
- dunster_wife
- durham_mrs.[?]
- durnford_elizabeth
- dyce_jane
- dye_john
- dyer_elizabeth
- eady_jane
- eady_william
- eaftes_mary
- east_mary
- eastes_mary
- eaton_lucy
- edmond_?
- edmonds_?
- edmonds_catherine
- edmonds_daughter
- edmonds_elizabeth
- edmonds_george
- edmonds_george (boy)
- edmonds_mary
- edmonds_thomas
- edmunds_catherine
- education
- edwards_mrs.
- election
- elizabeth_cox
- ellis_elizabeth
- ellis_mr.
- ellis_wife
- ellis_william
- entry
- essex
- estes_mary
- evans_eleanor
- evans_elinor
- evans_mr.
- evans_mrs.
- everett_mary
- everett_robert
- exercise
- exterior
- exterior materials
- eyeware
- eyewear
- ezon_mary
- farm
- farmer_focule
- farnely_husband
- farnley_george
- farnley_susanna
- farnley_sussana
- faulkner_john
- fear_william
- fill
- fill_piper
- fischer_mary
- fisher_mary
- fits
- flavon
- flavon_fortune
- flavon_peter
- flawn_jacob
- fleming_bridget
- fletcher_elizabeth
- fletcher_mary
- fletcher_mrs.
- fletcher_susannah
- flint
- flint_bridget
- flint_rob
- floor
- flurt_john
- food
- food_treats_medicine
- foot_mary
- foote_mary
- forehoe
- fortune
- foster_amelia
- foster_elizabeth
- foster_john
- foulsham
- fountaine_elizabeth
- fountaine_soloman
- fox_mr.
- fox_nathaniel
- frances_nolt
- frances_watson
- francis_berry
- frank_?
- frank_ann
- frank_hannah
- frank_mary
- frank_mary (daughter)
- frank_robert
- frankes_mary
- frankes_robert
- frankis_elizabeth
- frankis_richard
- franklyn_mary
- franklyn_susannah
- franks_ann
- franks_mary
- franks_robert
- franks_roberts
- frankyln_mary
- frankyln_susannah
- freeman_mr. churchwarden
- friend_mary
- friend_mr.
- frohawk_mary
- frohawk_mrs.
- frohoch_mary
- frome_elizabeth
- frome_mrs.
- froome_boy
- froome_elizabeth
- froome_mrs.
- froome_robert
- froome_son
- frost_eleanor
- frost_elizabeth_a child
- frost_sarah
- fryer_john
- fuel
- fuller_ann
- fuller_cornelius
- fuller_cornelius_a_child
- fuller_husband
- funeral
- furman_mrs.
- furnishings
- furniture
- gad_elizabeth
- games_catherine
- games_elizabeth
- games[?]_mr.
- games[?]_sarah
- gamson_nicholas
- garcoin[?]_?
- garden
- gardiner_?
- gardiner_daughter
- gardiner_floria[?] (daughter)
- gardiner_jemima
- gardiner_marie[?]
- gardiner_mr.
- gardiner_mrs.
- gardiner_soloman
- gardner_maurice
- garie_mrs.
- garney_mary
- garrrett_john
- gascoime_ana
- gate
- gates_elizabeth
- gay_sarah
- genston_mary
- gibbon_mary
- gibbons_john
- gibbons_john james
- gibbons_mary
- gibbons_mary (junior)
- gibbons_mary (senior)
- gibbons_mrs.
- gibbons_sarah
- gibbons_wife
- gibbons_william
- gibson_ann
- gibson_mary
- gibson_thomas
- giffen_thomas
- giffen[?]_mary
- giles_ann
- girdler_dorothy
- girdler_mary
- girling_ann
- givie_mary
- glafs_hannah
- glass_hannah
- glover_elizabeth
- Goddard_?
- godfrey_jane
- godfrey_lydia
- godfrey_richard
- godfrey_valentin
- godrey_jane
- golden_easter
- golding_thomas
- goley_benjamin
- goley_elizabeth
- golsing_ann
- goly_mr.
- gone
- goodings_john
- goodings_michael
- goodman_mary
- goodred_mrs.
- goodwin_daniel
- goodwin_william
- goodyer_jane
- gorton_joseph
- goslin_ann
- gosling_ann
- gosling_joseph
- gosling_mary
- gosling_mrs.
- government oversight
- grant_elizabeth
- grant_sarah
- green_ann
- green_charles
- green_samuel
- green_william
- gregory_[?]
- gregory_william
- grenville_lord
- Gressenhall
- grey_samuel
- griffiths_elizabeth
- griffiths_mary
- griffiths_mr.
- griffiths_william
- gristwood_samuel
- grove_elizabeth
- grove_mary
- grove_thomas_mary's_son
- groves_?
- groves_elizabeth
- groves_mary
- groves_mr.
- groves_mrs's_son
- groves_samuel_mrs's_son
- gulliford_elizabeth
- gunston_mary
- guston_mary
- guys hospital
- h
- hacker_henry
- hacker_mr.
- hale_john
- haley_elizabeth
- hall_elizabeth
- hall_jane
- hall_john
- hall_peter
- hall_thomas
- hamilton_priscilla
- hamlin_mr.
- hammoor_edward
- hammoor_james
- hammoor_martha
- hammoor_mrs.
- hammoor_sarah
- hammor_martha
- hamper_thomas
- hampshire
- hampson_mary
- hands_edward
- hanks_elizabeth
- hanmoore_martha
- hanmore_martha
- hanmore_sarah
- hannah_ann
- hannah_elizabeth
- hannah_miller
- hannah[?]_ann
- hanner_aman[?]
- hansell_mary
- har_thomas
- harcourt_william
- harcourt_williams
- harding_harriet
- harding_sarah
- harmer_sarah
- harpley_ann
- harris_edward
- harris_john
- harris_margaret
- harris_mary
- harris_mr.
- harris_rebecca
- harris_thomas
- harry_mary
- harry_mrs.
- hart_ann
- hart_mrs.
- hart_william
- harvey_jane
- Hatfield_ Wife
- Hatfield_?
- hatfield_elizabeth
- hatfield_mary
- hatfield_rebecca
- hatfield_sarah
- hatfield_thomas
- hatfield_thomas (jr.)
- hatfield_wife
- hatton_mary_ann_elizabeth_carless's_daughter
- hatton_maryann_elizabeth_careless's_daughter_aged_7
- havencroft_mr.
- hawes_frances
- hawes_susannah
- hayes_jane
- hayes_mary
- hayes_morrice
- hayley_elizabeth
- head_john
- headlambe_isabel
- health
- health_boy
- heard_elizabeth
- hearth
- heath_edward
- heath_prudence
- hebb[?]_john
- helen_katherine
- heming_george
- hemp
- henning_child
- henning_elizabeth
- henning_james
- henning_mrs.
- hensley_eleanor
- hepworth_william
- herbert_husband
- herbert_mary
- herbert_william
- herne_john
- herne_wife
- heron_elizabeth
- herrobine_mary
- herrobine-mary
- hewitt_ann
- hewitt_maria
- hickman_catherine
- hickman_daniel
- hickman_katherine
- hickman_samuel
- hickman_wife
- hicks_mary
- higden_lewis
- hill_ann
- hill_john
- hill_jonh
- hill_mary
- hill_mr.
- hill_mrs.
- hill_sarah
- hiller_edward
- hilliard_susanna
- hillier_mrs.
- hinchley_mary
- hind_wife
- hinson_mary
- hinton_john
- hird_mr.
- hirmuie_james
- hirmuie[?]_elizabeth
- hirmuie[?]_jason[?]
- hoar_daughter
- hoar_edward
- hoar_mr.
- hoar_mrs.
- hoar_thomas
- hobbs_christiana
- holbeach_frederick
- holbrook_john
- holiday_ann
- holiday_husband
- holiday_john
- holiday_samuel
- holiday_susan
- holiday_susanna
- holiday_susannah
- holiday_thomas
- holiday_thomas (junior)
- holiday_william
- holiday_william_susan's_son
- holliday_samuel
- holliday_sarah
- holliday_william
- hollingsworth_elizabeth
- holloway_benjamin
- holmes_boy
- holmes_child
- holmes_eliza
- holmes_elizabeth
- holmes_james
- holmes_john
- holmes_mary
- holmes_mrs.
- holmes_richard
- Holt
- home
- home_mr.[?]
- homes_elizabeth
- homy_brookes
- hook_elizabeth
- hooke_elizabeth
- hope_mr.
- horby_cecilia
- hormer_mary
- hormer_mr.
- hormer_mrs.
- hornby_cecelia
- hornby_cecilia
- hornby_ceilia
- hornby_celcilia
- hornby_celilia
- hornby_christilla
- hornby_elizabeth
- hornby_mrs.
- horsley_abigail
- horsley_catherine
- Horton_?
- horton_christian
- horton_mrs.
- hospital
- hospital/asylum
- hotine_mary
- hotine_mother
- hotine_mrs
- hotine_son
- houming_elizabeth
- houndsditch_madan of
- house_elizabeth
- house_john
- house_mr.
- house_ralph
- house_sarah
- household item
- housekeeper
- howard_lewis
- howe_george
- howe_sarah
- howes_charlotte
- howes_john
- howes_john_older
- howes_maria
- howse_sarah
- hubbard_mr.
- hubby_elizabeth
- hudson_elizabeth
- hufsey_eleanor
- hughes_ann
- hughes_jane
- hughes_john
- hughes_margaret
- hughes_mary
- hughes_mrs.
- hughes_sarah
- huhes_ann
- huline_joseph
- hulme_joseph
- hunt_eliz
- hunt_francis
- hutchingford_mary
- hutchingford_mrs.
- hygiene
- imber_christopher
- inddee_sarah
- infirmary
- inmate list
- inmate list (2)
- inmate relations
- innoculation
- inser_elizabeth
- inser_mary(child)
- inser_michael
- inser[?]_mary
- instant_mary
- insurance
- interior
- interior materials
- investigation
- jacks_ann
- jacks_benjamin
- jacks_wife
- jackson_benjamin
- jackson_husband
- jackson_joshua
- jackson_sarah
- jackson_wife
- jacobs_gilbert
- james_thomas
- jarvis_ann
- jefferson_rebecca
- jennings_ann
- jennings_john
- jewell_catherine
- joes_thomas
- johnson_james
- johnson_john
- johnson_martha
- johnson_mary
- johnson_william
- jolly_ann
- jolly_mary
- jolly_peter henry
- jolly_walter
- jones_ann
- jones_catherine
- jones_eleanor
- jones_elizabeth
- jones_john
- jones_mary
- jones_mary ann
- jones_mary_ann
- jones_mary_ann's_children
- jones_mr.
- jones_philip
- jones_william
- jordan_jane
- jordan_janes
- judson_mary
- juliers_ann
- juliers_elizabeth
- juliers_husband
- juliers_john
- junior churchwarden
- kavannah_jane
- kavannah_joseph
- keatney_george
- kech[?]_james
- keen_elizabeth
- keene_elizabeth
- keeping
- keeping_cows
- keeth_ann
- kelham_mrs.
- kelsay_elizabeth
- kennedy_elizabeth
- kennedy_mrs_patrick's wife
- kennedy_mrs_patrick's_wife
- kennedy_mrs.
- kennedy_mrs._patrick's_wife
- kennedy_patrick
- kennedy_patrick's_wife
- kennedy_wife
- kent_sarah
- kerry_james
- kickling_eliz
- kightly_mr.
- kilham_elizabeth
- kilham_hannah
- killon_susannah
- kindness
- king_casandra
- king_cassandra
- king_francis
- king_samuel
- king(hash)_hannah
- kingsland_swan
- kinner_susannah
- kirby_maria
- kirby_mrs.
- kirwan_mr.
- kitchen
- knapp_mary
- knighton_husband
- knighton_mary
- knot_mary
- knots
- knott_frances
- knott_jemima
- lachlan_eleanor
- ladmore_hannah
- ladmore_hannah_joseph's_wife
- ladmore_husband
- ladmore_joseph
- ladmore_wife
- lamb_anne
- lamb_lucy
- lamb_mr.
- lamb_nathaniel
- lamb_william
- lame
- lamper[?]_ [?]
- lancaster shecking?
- lander_thomas
- lane_mrs
- langhorn_joseph
- langhorn_sister
- langley_mary
- laram_mary
- lardy[?]_mrs.
- larkin_george
- larom_husband
- larom_john
- larom_mary
- larom_sarah
- larom_william
- larwin_mary
- lary[?]_mrs.
- launderson_william
- laundry
- lavoine_[?]
- lawerence_elizabeth
- lawerence_john
- lawrence_elizabeth
- lawrence_mrs
- lawrence_rosamond
- laws_wife
- leake_daniel
- leaper_charlotte
- leaper_mary
- leaper_william
- learners
- leave
- lediard_elizabeth
- lediard_mrs.
- lediard[?]_mrs.
- lee_[?]
- lefevre_mary
- lefevre_peter
- legal
- leipman_frances
- leonard_aust
- Letheringsett
- leverston_elizabeth
- leverstone_elizabeth
- leveston_elizabeth
- lewes_lucy
- lewis_mary
- lewis_samuel
- lewis_wife
- light_john
- light_jonh
- light_mary
- light_rachael
- light_rachel
- lindsay_edmund
- lindsay_mary
- lindsay_samuel
- lindsay_samuel's_wife
- lindsey_edmund
- lindsey_edward
- lindsey_joseph
- lindsey_mary
- lindsey_mrs.
- lindsey_samuel
- linsell_edmund
- linsell_joseph
- linsell_mary
- linsell_mr.
- linsell_samuel
- linsey_joseph
- linsey_mary
- linsey_mrs.
- linsey_samuel
- lintel
- linthwaite_mr.
- lister_mr.
- lme
- lock_eliz
- long_susan
- lovick_child
- lovick_edward
- lovick_wife
- lowther_james
- lowther_william
- lowther[?]_william
- lubbock_edward
- lubbock_john
- ludlam_elizabeth
- ludlam_joseph
- ludlam_mary
- ludlam_wife
- ludlam_william
- ludlum_richard
- ludwig_rosenburg
- lunatic
- lye_deborah
- lye_elizabeth
- lye_husband
- lye_john
- lye_margaret
- lyons_ann
- mabson_marth
- mabson_martha
- mabson_mary
- macguire_isabella
- mackay_ann
- mackey_charlotte
- mackie_charlotte
- maguire_bella
- maguire_bella_philip's_wife
- maguire_elizabeth
- maguire_isabella
- malchar_mr. churchwarden
- Malcolmb_?
- malcomb_eliza
- malcomb_elizabeth
- malcomb_john
- malcomb_mr.
- malcomb_mrs.
- malcomb_sarah
- maley_dorothy
- mallett_john
- man_joseph
- man_mary
- manfile_william
- mann_thomas
- manning_mr.
- mansell_wife
- mansfield_sarah
- mantell_sarah
- manwarren_john
- manwarren_sarah
- marcher_ [?]
- margaret_linsey
- marine society
- markham_mary
- marnley_susannah
- marriage
- marsh_ann
- marsh_mary
- marsh_william
- marshal_john
- marshall_child
- marshall_mary
- marshall_mary_mary_burney's_child
- marshall_mary's_child
- martin_susannah
- martin_william
- mary_franklyn
- mascall_jane
- mason_anthony
- mason_boy
- mason_isabella
- mason_james
- mason_john
- mason_jonh
- mason_william
- master
- mastin_edward
- mastin_john
- matron[?]
- matteson_john
- Matthews_?
- matthews_alice
- matthews_ann
- matthews_anne
- matthews_eleanor
- matthews_john
- matthews_mary
- maudling_wm
- mayleigh_dorothy
- Mayley_?
- mayley_dorothy
- mayley_mrs.
- mcguire_isabella
- mcguire_philip
- meal_mrs.
- medical
- medicine
- meeting
- mental health
- merhem_samuel
- merrick_sarah
- merriman_john
- miburn_?
- miburn_infant
- middleton_william
- midwife
- milbourne_george
- milbourne_mrs.
- miles_jonathan
- mill
- miller_catherine
- miller_hannah
- miller_martha
- miller_mrs.
- miller_thomas_sarah_west's_father-in-law
- mimms_mrs.
- mistress
- mitchell_mrs.
- mitchell_richard
- mitford_launditch
- mofs_ann
- mofs_james
- mofs_jane
- mofs[?]_mrs.
- mollinoir_elizabeth
- mollinoir_george
- mollinoir_mrs.
- molliship_anthony
- molliship_sarah
- molney_ann
- molney_peter
- molney[?]_ann
- moltram_elizabeth
- moltram_george
- molys[?]_ann
- moonay_jane
- moor_elizabeth
- moor_mary
- moor_mrs.
- moor_thomas
- moor_william
- moore_ann
- moore_ann (junior)
- moore_ann_ann's_daughter
- moorehead_eleanor
- moorehead_helena
- moorehead_robert
- moorehead_wife
- morgan_benjamin
- morgan_elizabeth
- morgan_mr.
- morgan_wife
- morgan[?]_daughter
- morris_benjamin
- morris_benjamin(son)
- morris_elizabeth
- morris_john
- morriss_elizabeth
- morse_hannah
- morse_jane
- moss_harriet
- moss_harriett
- mottram_george
- mottram_wife
- murphy_ann
- murphy_michael
- nash_eliza
- nash_elizabeth
- nash_elizabeth (illegitimate)
- nash_john
- nash_mr.
- nash_mrs.
- nash_sarah
- nash_william
- naska_mrs.
- navy
- newman_ann
- newman_eliz
- niblett_thomas
- nichols_john
- nixon_martha
- nixon_mrs.
- noakes_maria
- nobbs_john
- nolt_frances
- nolt_francis
- nolt_marth
- nolt_martha
- nolt_mary
- nolt_william
- nolt_willliam
- nolt[?]_frances
- Norfolk
- norham_ann
- norse_rachel
- northam_ann
- norton_henry
- norton_james
- norton_william
- Norwood_?
- norwood_mrs.
- nott_[boy]
- nott_frances
- nott_francis
- nott_martha
- nott_mary
- nott_thomas
- nott_william
- nottinghamshire
- noulton_john
- noulton_mary
- nult_martha
- nult_richard
- nurse
- nursery
- nursing
- oakley_jaae[?]
- oakley_mary
- oakley_mrs.
- obourne_james
- ogborn_everina
- ogborne_everina
- ogborne_everina's_daughter
- ogborne_ruth_everina's_daughter
- ogbourne_everina
- ogbourne_ruth
- ogbournes_elizabeth
- ogbournes_husband
- ogden_everina
- ogden_everina_thomas's_widow
- old age
- olinius_mr.
- oliver_samuel
- order of removal
- order of removal [?]
- osbourne_bridget
- osbourne_bridgett
- osbourne_james
- osbourne_mary
- osbourne_mrs.
- osbourne_thomas
- osclade_thomas
- otteridge_mrs.
- otteridge_rachel
- otteridge_rachell
- oudoor relief
- out
- outbuilding
- outdoor poor
- outdoor relief
- outhouse
- over_mr.
- overley_kozia[?]
- overley_mr.
- overley_mrs.
- overly_mrs.
- overseeer
- overton_edward
- overton_elizabeth
- overton_mr.
- owen_catherine
- oxlade_elizabeth[?]
- oxlade_elizabeth[sic-should be mary?]_otherwise_hoxley
- oxlade_mary
- oxlade_mary_sarah's_daughter
- oxlade_mary's_children
- oxlade_mrs
- oxlade_mrs's_children
- oxlade_sarah
- oxlade_sarah's_children
- oxlade_thomas
- oxlade_thomas_sarah's_son
- oxlade_thomas_sarah's_son_infant
- page_elizabeth
- page_sarah
- pain_watson
- paine_william
- pale_mary
- palmer_mrs.
- pantry
- pardo_margery
- pardo_mrs.
- parish_elizabeth
- parish_john
- parish_peter
- parish_sarah
- parish_william
- parker_charles
- parkers_wm
- parr_[?]
- parr_sarah
- parry_david
- parry_margaret
- parry_martha
- parry_mrs.
- parry_wife
- parson_margaret
- parson[?]_mrs.
- patterson_mrs.
- pauper family
- pawn
- payne_mr.
- pearce_ann
- pearse_mrs.
- pearson_esther
- pearson_margaret
- pearson_mary
- pearson_mrs.
- pearson_robert
- pearson_sarah
- penheiro_gabriel
- pension
- pension murphy_ann
- pension/allowance
- perkins_eleanor
- perkins_william
- perram_john
- perry_john
- perry_mary
- perry_mrs.
- perry_mrs._daughter_of_cooke_of_benson
- perry_wife
- pest_house
- peter_john
- peter_mary
- peters_husband
- peters_john
- peters_mary
- peters_mrs.
- petition
- pettit_ann
- peyton_elizabeth
- philips_jane
- philips_mr.
- phillips_jane
- picking
- pickland_mr.
- pighling_mrs.
- pightland_sarah
- pightling_mrs.
- pightling_sarah
- pignage_joseph
- pignage_wife
- pilcher_mary
- Pindar_ Wife
- Pindar_?
- pindar_john
- pindar_mary
- pindar_mrs.
- pindar_wife
- pinly_mrs.
- pinon_isaac
- pirknett_joseph
- pirknett_mary
- pitehard_william
- pixley_mary
- pixley_mr.
- pixley_thomas
- pixley_wife
- Pizman_?
- plunket_edward
- plunket_mary
- plunkett_elizabeth
- plunkett_michael
- pocock_mr.
- policry decision
- policy decision
- policy decisions
- poll_samuel
- Pollard_?
- pollard_sarah
- polton_mary
- pomeroy_catherine
- pomeroy_john
- pomey_mary
- pond_sarah
- ponder_mr
- poole_arabella
- poole_arrabella
- poor family
- pope_john
- porter
- porter_boy
- porter_elizabeth
- porter_john
- porter_mrs.
- porvell_daughter
- porvell_philip
- potter_amelia
- potter_amelia (junior)
- potter_millen
- potts_mary
- poulton_mary
- powell_ann
- powell_james
- powell_jane
- powell_philip
- poynes_ralph
- price_catherine
- price_catherine's_children
- price_catherine's_husband
- price_eliabeth
- price_elizabeth
- price_elizabeth (daughter)
- price_elizabeth (girl)
- price_frances
- price_jenkin
- price_mary
- price_rice
- price_sarah
- price_thomas
- price[?]_mrs.
- prison
- pritchard_sarah
- pritt_mr.
- probert_ann
- probert_mary
- probert_thomas
- profser_walter
- pump
- punie_william
- punishment
- purfoy_carolina
- purfoy_sarah
- quifronbrough[?]_thomas
- randall_elizabeth
- randall_elizabeth?
- randall_mr.
- randall_mrs.
- ransom_mary
- rasley_mrs.
- ravenscroft_mrs.
- rawbone_mrs.
- rawbones_elizabeth
- rawbones_mrs.
- rawlinson_ann
- readmission
- redyhough_john
- reedhardt_john
- reedhardt_mary
- reehardt_mary
- reeling
- reeve_wm
- regale_ mr. churchwarden
- relieved
- Renshaw_?
- rent
- repair
- revell_james
- revell_john
- reynell_katherine maria
- reynolds_ann
- reynolds_elizabeth
- reynolds_elizabeth (daughter)
- reynolds_john
- reynolds_mrs
- reynolds_sarah
- rhodes_james
- rholedo_adam
- ribben_mary
- richard_mary
- richards_mary
- rickard_mary
- rickards_mary
- ricketts_mary
- ricketts_mrs.
- rideing_ann
- rider_elizabeth
- riding_ann
- rightling_sarah
- roach_robert
- road_augustus
- road_mary
- roams_elizabeth
- roberts_jane
- roberts_john
- roberts_matthew
- roberts_sarah
- roberts_william
- robertson_david
- robins_mrs.
- robins_richard
- robins_sarah
- robinson_lydia
- robinson_mary
- robinson_mr.
- rodenburg_ludwin
- roe_elizabeth
- roe_john
- roe_mrs.
- roffe_george
- roffe_mary
- rofs_david
- rofs_david (junior)
- roft_thomas
- roft_william
- rogers_eugene
- rogers_sarah
- rolf_george
- rolf_henry
- rolf_lydia
- rolf_lydia (junior)
- rolf_martha
- rolf_mary
- rolf_richard
- rolf_thomas
- rolfe_george
- rolfe_george_aged16
- rolfe_mary
- rolfe_mary_richard's_wife
- rolfe_mary_wife_of_richard
- rolfe_richard
- rolfe_richard's_wife
- rolfe_wife
- rolfe_william
- rolls_william
- roof
- rook_mary
- rooker_lucy
- rooks_mary
- room
- rose_elizabeth
- rose_frances
- rose_william
- rosenberg_ludwig
- rosenburg_ludwig
- rosenburg_ludwin
- ross_children
- ross_eleanor
- ross_elizabeth
- ross_james
- ross_luke james
- ross_lydia
- ross_lydia's_children
- ross_sarah
- rowden_john
- rowe_child
- rowe_elizabeth
- rowe_john
- rowe_mrs.
- rowe_wife
- rowe[?]_john
- rufsell_thomas
- rufsell_william
- rule breaking
- rule enforcement
- rule enforement
- rule-breaking
- rules
- runaway
- russell_elizabeth
- russell_sarah
- russell_sarah ann
- russell_sarah_ann
- rycraft_margaret
- ryder_elizabeth
- ryecraft_alice
- ryeraft_alice
- sabourn_elizabeth
- sabourn_george
- saffron_eleanor
- salary
- sarah_cave
- sartain_mr.
- saunderson_william
- savage_rosetta
- savage_sarah
- sawyer_martin
- sawyer_wife
- sayer_mary
- sayer_william
- scannals_sophia_george's_child
- scarnal_sophia_george's_daughter
- scarnall_george
- scarnall_george's_child
- scarnall_sophia
- scarnell_sophia
- scoresby_walter
- scorestry_sarah
- scott_elizabeth
- scott_james
- sea service
- sealey_jane
- sealey_mary
- sealey_thomas
- sealy_elizabeth
- sealy_jane
- sealy_samuel
- sealy_thomas
- searnall_george
- searnall_sophia
- sedgewick_elizabeth
- sedgewick_margaret
- sedgewick_margaret_peter's_daughter
- sedgewick_martha
- sedgewick_mary
- sedgewick_peter
- senior churchwarden
- servant_mary
- serve_thatch
- service
- serving
- setting
- settlement
- seudamore_william
- sewell_joseph
- shaddolt_mary
- shakerley_mr. chruchwarden
- sharp_martha
- sharp_mary
- sharpe_ann
- sharpe_eleanor
- sharpe_james
- sharpe_mary
- sheerwood_elizabeth
- shelton_mrs.
- shelton[?]_elizabeth
- shepard_mary
- shepard_mrs.
- shepard_sarah
- sherman_susannah
- sherwood_elizabeth
- sherwood_susannah
- shinger_sarah
- shiren_ann
- shirley_charles
- shoes
- short_benjamin
- short_catherine
- short_sarah
- shradbolt_mary
- shute_charity_william's_wife
- sick
- simmonds_elizabeth
- simmonds_fuller
- simmons-fitz_catherine
- simmons-fitz_mary
- simonds_beatrix
- simpson_mrs.
- simpson_priscilla
- simsoas_thomas
- simson_priscilla
- singleton_mary
- singleton_sarah
- singwell_susannah
- skinner_william
- slocock_john
- sloghton_samuel
- slott[?]_mrs.
- sloughton_samuel
- sloughton_wife
- small_francis
- smallwood_mr.
- smallwood_wife
- smart_mrs.
- smart_thomas
- Smith_?
- smith_ann
- smith_eleanor
- smith_eliz
- smith_elizabeth_mary's_daughter
- smith_john
- smith_margaret
- smith_mary
- smith_mary ann
- smith_mary_in_house
- smith_mary_of_peckham
- smith_mary_peckham
- smith_mary_peckham's_daughter
- smith_mr.
- smith_mrs.
- smith_sarah
- smith_susan
- smith_thomas
- smith_william
- smith_william_susan's_husband
- smithers_?
- smithers_lucretia
- solby_elizabeth
- sorother_ann
- sorrell_anna
- sorrell_thomas
- soufhouse_mr.
- southerland_daniel
- southhouse_mr.
- southwell
- sowersby_sarah
- sowley_mr.
- spectacles
- spencer_arthur
- spencer_elizabeth
- spencer_sarah
- spierman_richard
- spilsbury_james
- spilsbury_mrs.
- spinning
- st thomas hospital
- st_lukes
- stafford_catherine
- stainton_elizabeth
- stairs
- stallwood_mr.
- stallwood_robert
- stang_sarah
- stanley_george
- stanley_john
- stanley_samuel
- stanton_elizabeth
- stanton_william
- stapler_mr.
- steadbolt_mary
- stedman_widow
- step_thomas
- stephens_mrs.
- stephums[?]_ann
- stephums[?]_elizabeth
- stephums[?]_elizabeth (junior)
- stephums[?]_mary ann
- stevens_ann
- stevens_elizabeth
- stevens_james
- stevens_john
- stevens_mary
- stevens_mary ann
- stevens_mary_ann
- stevens_mary_ann's_father
- stevens_phoebe
- stevens_sarah
- stevens_thomas
- stiles_ann
- stiles_john
- stiles_mary
- stock_martha
- stokes_mary
- stokes_mrs.
- stomer_john
- stomer_katherine
- stone
- stone_ann_widow
- stone_eleanor
- stone_mrs
- stone_mrs.
- stormer_?
- stormer_catherine
- stormer_john
- stormer_katherine
- stormer_mr.
- stormer_mrs.
- stormer_wife
- strachan_mrs.
- straghan_mrs.
- strange_sarah
- streadbolt_mary
- street_eleanor
- street_esther
- street_mrs.
- street_soloman
- stringer_sarah
- strong_sarah
- structure
- stucture
- sturt_sarah
- sully_mr.
- susannah_franklyn
- swack_john
- swaffort_mrs.
- swaffort(late overly)_mrs.
- swale_alice
- swepson_charles
- syms_thomas
- table
- talbott_cornelius
- talbott_elizabeth
- tarlefs_frances
- tarlefs_francis
- tarless_frances
- tarriman_ barnard
- tarriman_elizabeth
- taylor_ susanna
- taylor_benjamin
- taylor_burder
- taylor_catherine
- taylor_charles
- taylor_elizabeth
- taylor_john
- taylor_mary
- taylor_rebecca
- taylor_susanna
- taylor_susannah
- tegg_mary
- tharm_ann
- tharm_son
- tharm_thomas
- tharm_thomas (junior)
- tharm_thomas_ann's_child
- thedman_charles
- theft
- thomas_child
- thomas_esther
- thomas_james
- thomas_katherine
- thomas_rachael
- thomas_rachel
- thompson_martha
- thompson_mary
- thompson_william
- thomspon_martha
- thornton_elizabeth
- thornton_elizbeth
- thornton_koturia
- thornton_mary
- thoroughgood_elizabeth
- thoroughgood_elizbeth
- thoroughgood_joseph
- thrifts_john
- throroughgood_elizabeth
- thurgarton
- thurston_paul
- tight_jimima
- tight_robert
- tilbury_elizabeth
- tilbury_joseph
- tilbury_mary
- tilby_samuel
- tillott_ann
- tillott_john
- tillott_mary
- tims[?]_thomas
- tipple_jonathan
- tipple_mr.
- tipple_mrs
- tipple_wife
- todd_mr.
- tomlin_[male]
- tomlin_william
- tomlins_william
- tomlinson_elizabeth
- tompson_ann
- toone_mary
- toone_william
- torriano_john
- touse_dean
- touse_mr.
- tow
- tower
- transfer
- transfer trustees
- travel
- travel pass
- treat
- treats
- trustees
- tull_mr.
- turner_sarah
- turner_sophia
- turner_thomas
- turner_wife
- turrell_francis
- tyler_elizabeth
- tyling[?]
- underhayes_mary
- unemployment
- valentine_richard
- Vestry
- vicent_thomas
- vince_john
- vincent_thomas
- walker_fanny
- walker_frances
- walker_francis
- walker_mr.
- walker_mrs.
- walker_stephen
- wall
- wall_ann
- wall_frances
- wall_mary
- walter_james
- walters_isaac
- walters_issac
- walters_mary
- walters_sarah
- walthamstow
- walton_margery
- warburton_ann
- ward school
- ward_benjamin
- ward_charles
- ward_husband
- ward_mary
- ward_mrs.
- wardell_elizabeth
- ware_hanna
- ware_hannah
- ware_mary
- warfult_thomas
- warner_ann
- warner_sarah
- warnes_letitia
- wash-house
- washhouse
- wastell_richard
- water_mary
- waterhouse_ann
- waterhouse_elizabeth
- waters_ann
- waters_mary
- waters_mrs.
- watkins_henry
- watkins_mr.
- watson_frances
- watson_mary
- watson_mrs.
- watts_ann
- watts_john
- watts_mary
- watts_sarah
- watts_wife
- waylett_george
- waylot_george
- WC
- weatherspom_esther
- weaver_thomas
- weaving
- webb_alexander
- webb_ann
- webb_diana
- webb_dinah
- webb_elizabeth
- webb_elizabeth_infant
- webb_james
- webb_sarah
- websdale_frances
- websdale_james
- websdale_john
- websdale_william
- webster_ann
- webster_edmund
- webster_elizabeth
- webster_mary
- webster_william
- weeding
- well
- wells_james
- wells_john
- wells_mr.
- wells_sarah
- wenman_elizabeth
- wessells_mary
- west_martha
- west_sarah
- wetherall[?]_martha
- wetnurse
- wheels
- whetstone_mary
- whisson_elizabeth
- whisson_jane
- white_ann
- white_elizabeth
- white_robert
- whiteland_elizabeth
- whitewashed
- whitnall_ann
- whitnall_sarah
- whitnell_[female]
- whitnell_sarah
- whlittle[?]_elizabeth
- wick_john
- wick_maria
- wick_william
- Wicklewood
- widow
- wigby_john
- wilbraham_alice
- wilbraham_ann
- wilbraham_john
- wilbraham_mrs.
- wilcox_alice
- wilcox_elizabeth
- wilcox_mary
- wilcox_mrs.
- wilcox_sarah
- wildman_elizabeth
- wiles_samuel
- wiles_samuel's_children
- wilkinson_ann
- wilkinson_john
- wilkinson_mary
- wilkinson_william
- william_mr.
- william_samuel
- williams_ann
- williams_barbara
- williams_elizabeth
- williams_henry
- williams_john
- williams_mary
- williams_thomas
- williams_wife
- williams_william
- williamson_daniel
- willington_elizabeth
- Willis_?
- willis_george
- wills_james
- wilnel(whitnall)_sarah
- wilson_?
- wilson_benjamin
- wilson_elizabeth
- wilson_kirkard
- wilson_mary
- wilson_william
- winding
- window
- winn_?
- winsmore_mr.
- winsmore_mrs.
- wire_charles
- wire_elijah
- Withers_Mr.
- wolf_alexander
- wood
- wood_john
- woodbine_charles
- woodrows_elizabeth
- woods_thomas
- woodward_thomas
- work
- work tools
- work_shop
- workroom
- wright_[?]
- wright_charles
- wright_elizabeth
- wright_henry
- wright_john
- wright_letitia
- wright_mrs.
- wright_robert
- wright_thomas
- wyer_henry
- wyman_ann
- wyme_mrs.
- wynn_jane
- yaes_ann
- yard
- yates_ann
- yates_elizabeth
- yates_jane
- yates_mr.
- yeates_jane
- yeats_ann
- young_ann
- young_hannah
- young_isabella
- young_jane
- young_mary
- young_rebecca
- youngs_james